Sleepless people facts

Sleepless people facts explain in tamil

In many people affect this problem that is, sleepless or insomnia. It is most dangerous for all people. It is mainly form of youngester, child and mens. This disease forms by cell phone using in night time that is a big problem for all of them. It pain is so big form on future to attend for all. More people thinking someone on night time that is one the causes and some bad thought , stress, hard work that can be affected the insomnia disease. It is affected many people in the world. It is fast to attract all people. This disease didn't follows you. You something doing that are, first before sleep as few minutes of relaxation it is a best one, you thinking is good habits and don't do unless working on any places. This are some tips of sleepless facts. In many powerful man's of bill gates are affects this disease. Then this is normal disease and you doing some tips of insomnia disease. All days sleep at correct time on night then don't affected any disease. Every day sleep at 9 to 10 pm. It is good for all after sleep that time is bad for all people.
