Voyager space journey explain in tamil

Voyager space journey explain in tamil

Voyager is one of the satellite . This satellite is different type of other satellite . It function is only a longer distance of space. It makes for US, Russia, and some country to make this satellite. It working on space in some aliens or UFO to communicate people that purpose only make this satellite. In 19th to 20th century from makeing this Voyager 1 in send on space in 2002 . Scientists inside the satellite in baby crying song, 72 languages, songs, frequency and some people using material instead to send on space that can be run on space in 1,500 km speed moving on space. It only purpose is alien to communication. In next Voyager 2 can be send on future generations. In 2017 Voyager was moves away from the saturn planet. In 2019 Voyager was away from the solar system. That place to send a earth photos. It is very small and blue dot point to seen her eye. It is a interesting satellite and amazing satellite on this present generation.
